Spanishdict translate english to spanish - noun. 1. (furniture) a. el escritorio. (M) Her desk is always really organized. Siempre tiene bien ordenado su escritorio. b. la mesa de trabajo. (F) Five desks will fit in this conference room.Caben cinco mesas de trabajo en esta sala de conferencias.

Search millions of Spanish-English example sentences from our dictionary, TV shows, and the internet. ... is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Ver en español en inglé FEATURES. Translation Conjugation Vocabulary Learn Spanish Grammar Word of the Day. ABOUT .... Kknowles_x leak

When it comes to translating Spanish to English, having the right translator can make all the difference. Whether you need a translation for business, travel, or personal use, ther...nyohn. ) feminine noun. 1. (assembly) a. meeting. El comité organizador tendrá una reunión el miércoles a las 8 pm.The organizing committee will have a meeting on Wednesday at 8 pm. b. gathering. Vamos a hacer una reunión en mi casa este domingo para toda la familia.We are going to have a gathering at my house this Sunday for the whole family.1. (outer part or layer) a. la superficie. (F) The surface of the lake was as smooth as glass this morning.La superficie del lago estaba tan lisa como el vidrio esta mañana. b. la cara. (F) (side) The lower surface of the prism measures nine square centimeters. La cara inferior del prisma mide nueve centímetros cuadrados.2. (to sprinkle) a. rociar. You didn't close the shower curtain and the water sprayed everywhere! ¡No cerraste la cortina de la ducha y el agua roció por todas partes! noun. 3. (pulverized liquid) a. el rocío. (M) Don't forget to buy the bug spray before we go on the safari tomorrow.a. el debut. (M) The singer's debut took the Apollo Theater by storm.El debut de la cantante cautivó totalmente al público del Teatro Apollo. b. el estreno. (M) The film's debut is tomorrow night.El estreno de la película es mañana por la noche. intransitive verb. 2. (to appear for the first time) a. debutar.Language translation is an essential service in our interconnected world, enabling effective communication between people from different linguistic backgrounds. English, being one ...1. (to rest) a. dormir. My neighbor's dog was barking all night and I couldn't sleep.El perro de mi vecino estaba ladrando la noche entera y no pude dormir. 2. (to spend the night) a. dormir. His kids sleep at their grandparents' house every weekend.Sus hijos duermen en la casa de sus abuelos todos los fines de semana.noun. 1. (difficult task) a. el reto. (M) It was quite a challenge to climb the mountain. Supuso un gran reto escalar la montaña. b. el desafío. (M) We are facing several challenges at this stage of the project.Nos enfrentamos con varios desafíos a estas alturas del proyecto.When it comes to translating Spanish to English, having the right translator can make all the difference. Whether you need a translation for business, travel, or personal use, ther...noun. 1. (container) a. la caja. (F) He put her gift in a box and wrapped it with tissue paper.Puso su regalo en una caja y la envolvió con papel de seda. b. el cajón. (M) (large) We donated a box full of clothing to the homeless shelter.Donamos un cajón lleno de ropa al centro de acogida.a. to open. El presidente abrió el debate con un breve discurso.The president opened the debate with a brief speech. 9. (to make eager for eating) a. to whet. Los olores de la cocina le abrieron el apetito.The smell from the kitchen whetted his appetite. intransitive verb. 10. (to set up) a. to open.Google's service, offered free of charge, instantly translates words, phrases, and web pages between English and over 100 other languages.Translate Traductor. See 2 ... Si no hablas el idioma, puedes usar un traductor como el de SpanishDict ... English-Spanish translator · traductor de español a ...Translate From spanish to english. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.1. (to grab) a. to take. Tomó el dinero y se lo metió en el bolsillo. He took the money and put it in his pocket. 2. (to consume) a. to take (medication) Él tiene que tomar sus medicamentos dos veces al día.He has to take his medication twice a day. b. to have. Tomé atún para el almuerzo.Perfect your Spanish and English pronunciation with the world's largest Spanish-English translator! Learn how to pronounce the Spanish alphabet and thousands of words with …trahr. ) transitive verb. 1. (to retrieve) a. to find. Al fin encontré las llaves del coche.I finally found my car keys. 2. (to uncover) a. to discover. Ellos encontraron una caja vieja en el bosque.They discovered an old box in the forest. If you need to translate Spanish to English, just follow the same steps mentioned earlier in this article!’s translator is an ideal tool for Spanish translation to English. If you need a human for real Spanish-to-English translation, you can also find Spanish-English translators on translators’ associations websites. plural noun. 1. (current events) a. las noticias. (F) On Radio Amor they always start with the positive news.En Radio Amor siempre comienzan con las noticias positivas. 2. (journalism) a. las noticias. (F) I heard a report on the fire this morning on the 7 o'clock news.a. poner. I stood my suitcase in the corner. Puse mi maleta en el rincón. b. colocar. Stand it in the center of the mantelpiece.Colócalo en el centro de la repisa de la chimenea. 17. (to pay for) a. invitar a. They stood us a drink at the bar.Nos invitaron a una bebida en el bar. noun.Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. WRITTEN BY EXPERTS. Translate with Confidence. Access ...b. vestirse (oneself) My three-year-old cousin already dresses herself.Mi prima de tres años ya se viste sin ayuda. 4. (to bandage) a. vendar. Dress the wound carefully, because it may become infected.Vende la herida con cuidado porque …1. (outer part or layer) a. la superficie. (F) The surface of the lake was as smooth as glass this morning.La superficie del lago estaba tan lisa como el vidrio esta mañana. b. la cara. (F) (side) The lower surface of the prism measures nine square centimeters. La cara inferior del prisma mide nueve centímetros cuadrados.PONS ENGLISH ⇔ SPANISH Dictionary | 1.3M Translations. Free English - Spanish Translation in the PONS Online Dictionary. English. Spanish. The PONS English - …In a world that is becoming increasingly interconnected, the need for accurate translations has never been more important. Whether it’s for business purposes, personal connections,...Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. WRITTEN BY EXPERTS. Translate with Confidence. Access ...2. (used to express purpose) a. for (used before a gerund) Lo quiero para cocinar la pasta. I want it for cooking the pasta. b. in order to (used before an infinitive) Para ser salvavidas, tienes que saber nadar muy bien.In order to be a lifeguard, you have to know how to swim really well. c. to (used before base form)a. poner. I stood my suitcase in the corner. Puse mi maleta en el rincón. b. colocar. Stand it in the center of the mantelpiece.Colócalo en el centro de la repisa de la chimenea. 17. (to pay for) a. invitar a. They stood us a drink at the bar.Nos invitaron a una bebida en el bar. noun.6. (to halt) a. pararse. Suddenly, the runner stopped and fell.De repente, el corredor se paró y se desplomó. noun. 7. (act of stopping) a. el alto. (M) We'll make a stop along the way so that everyone can stretch their legs.Haremos un alto por el camino para que todos puedan estirar las piernas. b. la parada.noun. 1. (business) a. el marketing. (M) We need specialist advice on the appropriate marketing of these games.Necesitamos asesoramiento especializado sobre el marketing apropiado de estos juegos. b. la mercadotecnia. (F) Eliot specialized in marketing in college.Eliot se especializó en mercadotecnia en la …2. (to sprinkle) a. rociar. You didn't close the shower curtain and the water sprayed everywhere! ¡No cerraste la cortina de la ducha y el agua roció por todas partes! noun. 3. (pulverized liquid) a. el rocío. (M) Don't forget to buy the bug spray before we go on the safari tomorrow. si. ) transitive verb. 1. (to perceive) a. ver. We've seen a number of houses, but now we have to choose one.Hemos visto varias casas, pero ahora nos toca escoger una. 2. (to comprehend) a. ver. I see your point; eating ice cream before working out is not a good idea. 2. (used to express an emotion or state) a. to be. Estoy enojada porque me acaban de dar una multa de estacionamiento.I am angry because I just got a parking ticket. intransitive verb. 3. (to be located) a. to be. La casa está delante de la iglesia.The house is in front of the church. 4. (to be present) a. to be. a. tener la intención de. I didn't mean to say the things that I said. I'm sorry.No tuve la intención de decir lo que dije. Lo siento. 5. (to be important) a. no direct translation. I can't imagine life without you. You mean the world to me.No me imagino vivir sin ti. intransitive verb. 3. (to acquire knowledge) a. aprender. Nobody can force you to learn; you have to want to do it yourself. Nadie puede obligarte a aprender; tienes que querer hacerlo tú mismo. 4. (to find out) a. enterarse de. a. listo. She was sent to the office for giving cute answers in class.La mandaron a la oficina por dar repuestas listas en clase. b. vivo. That kid is going to get himself in trouble if he keeps up the cute attitude.Ese chico se va a meter en problemas si sigue con esa actitud viva. 3. (affected)sno. ) noun. 1. (weather) a. la nieve. (F) Class is canceled due to the snow.La clase está cancelada debido a la nieve. 2. (interference on television screen) a. la nieve.transitive verb. 1. (to extend) a. to spread out. El águila extendió las alas y empezó a volar hacia su nido.The eagle spread out its wings and began to fly toward its eyrie. b. to stretch out. La niña extendió los brazos para abrazarme.The little girl stretched out her arms to hug me. 2. (to unfold) a. to spread out.adverb. 1. (the current day) a. hoy. I'm going to see the doctor today.Hoy voy a ver al doctor. 2. (these days) a. hoy en día. We see so many kids today who are rude.Hoy en día hay muchos niños que son groseros. noun. 3. (the current day)Translate ........ See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.adverb. 1. (manner) a. cómo. How did you get here so quickly?¿Cómo llegaste tan rápido? I don't know how to do this.No sé cómo hacer esto. b. de qué manera. How did you put together the machine?¿De qué manera armaste la máquina? 2. (degree) a. cuán.Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. WRITTEN BY EXPERTS. Translate with Confidence. Access ...When it comes to translating Spanish to English, having the right translator can make all the difference. Whether you need a translation for business, travel, or personal use, ther... 2. (to prescribe) a. dictar. The politician denied dictating the terms of the labor agreement.El político negó haber dictado los términos del acuerdo de los trabajadores. b. imponer. The prevailing army dictated the terms of the peace accord.El ejército vencedor impuso los términos del acuerdo de la paz. 3. (to influence) a. dictar. We ... ¡Encantado! / ¡Encantada! How are you? ¿Cómo está? I'm fine, thanks. Bien, gracias. Could you repeat that, please? ¿Puede repetir, por favor? I don't understand. No …a. listo. She was sent to the office for giving cute answers in class.La mandaron a la oficina por dar repuestas listas en clase. b. vivo. That kid is going to get himself in trouble if he keeps up the cute attitude.Ese chico se va a meter en problemas si sigue con esa actitud viva. 3. (affected)transitive verb. 5. (to speak to a group) a. dirigirse. I will now address the crowd.En este momento me dirigiré a la multitud. 6. (to deal with) a. abordar. Let me address the matter of public security.Déjame abordar el asunto de la seguridad pública. 7. (to write an address on) a. poner la dirección en.Translate Learn English. See 4 authoritative translations of Learn English in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.Translate English Language Arts. See authoritative translations of English Language Arts in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations. noun. 1. (division of a year) a. la estación. (F) Leaves change color with the seasons.Las hojas cambian de color con las estaciones. 2. (sports and other events) a. la temporada. (F) Next season we are going to win the championship.La próxima temporada vamos a ganar el campeonato. 1. (lawn) a. el césped. (M) He fell asleep on the grass, next to his dog. Se quedó dormido en el césped, junto a su perro. b. el pasto. (M) (Latin America) It makes me angry when the neighbors' dog poos on my grass.Me enoja que el perro de los vecinos haga caca en mi pasto.Translate Spanish. See 4 authoritative translations of Spanish in Spanish with example sentences, phrases and audio pronunciations.2. (used to express an emotion or state) a. to be. Estoy enojada porque me acaban de dar una multa de estacionamiento.I am angry because I just got a parking ticket. intransitive verb. 3. (to be located) a. to be. La casa está delante de la iglesia.The house is in front of the church. 4. (to be present) a. to be.1. (idea) a. el plan. (M) There has been a change of plan, so we will meet at my place.Ha habido un cambio de planes, así que nos vemos en mi casa. 2. (diagram) a. el plano. (M) The architect drew up the plan of our new house.El arquitecto nos hizo el plano de la casa nueva. 3. (scheme)3. (to listen to) a. oír. I've heard what you had to say, and I still don't agree with you.He oído lo que tenías que decir, y sigo sin estar de acuerdo. b. escuchar. Hear me out before jumping to conclusions.Escúchame antes de llegar a cualquier conclusión. 4. (legal) a. ver.PONS ENGLISH ⇔ SPANISH Dictionary | 1.3M Translations. Free English - Spanish Translation in the PONS Online Dictionary. English. Spanish. The PONS English - …a. bienvenido. Good news is always welcome.Las buenas noticias siempre son bienvenidas. transitive verb. 4. (to greet gladly) a. dar la bienvenida. We're happy to welcome you to our new website.Nos complace darles la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo sitio web. 5. (to receive positively) a. recibir con gusto. Happy birthday, you know, I wish you the best, today and always. Felicidades, ya sabes, te deseo lo mejor, hoy y siempre. Happy birthday to both of us, sister. Felicidades a las dos, hermana. Happy birthday to the Isle of Patmos and patmosiani fathers. Feliz cumpleaños a la Isla de Patmos y padres patmosiani. When it comes to finding the right Spanish to English translators for your projects, it can be a daunting task. With so many options out there, it can be difficult to know which on...Language translation is an essential service in our interconnected world, enabling effective communication between people from different linguistic backgrounds. English, being one ...feminine noun. 1. (establishment) a. store. (United States) Hay una tienda de comestibles nueva a dos cuadras de mi casa.There is a new grocery store two blocks from my house. b. shop. La tienda de dulces estaba cerrada cuando llegamos.The sweet shop was closed when we arrived. 2. (camping gear) a. tent.spleyn. ) transitive verb. 1. (to make clear) a. explicar. Please explain to me the reasoning behind your argument.Por favor, explícame el razonamiento detrás de tu argumento. b. aclarar. I don't understand this concept.1. (to put on show) a. exponer. The artists displayed their artwork at the gallery. Los artistas expusieron sus obras en la galería. b. disponer. Market sellers display their wares in large baskets.Las vendedoras del mercado disponen su mercadería en canastas grandes. 2. (to show) a. demostrar.5. (to clench) a. tensar. He stretched and tensed his muscles before working out.Estiró y tensó sus músculos antes de hacer ejercicio. b. poner en tensión. He tensed the rope and jumped. Puso la cuerda en tensión y saltó. intransitive verb. 6. (to become nervous; used with "up") a. ponerse tenso.1. (lawn) a. el césped. (M) He fell asleep on the grass, next to his dog. Se quedó dormido en el césped, junto a su perro. b. el pasto. (M) (Latin America) It makes me angry when the neighbors' dog poos on my grass.Me enoja que el perro de los vecinos haga caca en mi pasto. Translate words and phrases from English to Spanish with this free online tool. Learn Spanish with interactive and immersive lessons, vocabulary lists, cheat sheets, and more. 1. (to acquire knowledge) a. to learn. ¡Estoy usando SpanishDict para aprender español!I'm using SpanishDict to learn Spanish! intransitive verb. 2. (to acquire knowledge) a. to learn. Voy a la escuela a aprender, pero también a jugar y a ver a mis amigos.I go to school to learn, but also to play and see my friends.Summary. SpanishDict is a fantastic dictionary and resource, with many functionalities including translations, a thesaurus, tons of example sentences and more. …noun. 2. (slumber) a. el dormir. (M) Sleeping is so hard when your mind is occupied with thoughts. Dormir es tan difícil cuando la mente está ocupada de cosas. b. el sueño. (M) Sleeping is essential when you need to get over a virus.El sueño es esencial para mejorarse después de un virus.Translate millions of words and phrases for free on, the world's largest Spanish-English dictionary and translation website.noun. 2. (slumber) a. el dormir. (M) Sleeping is so hard when your mind is occupied with thoughts. Dormir es tan difícil cuando la mente está ocupada de cosas. b. el sueño. (M) Sleeping is essential when you need to get over a virus.El sueño es esencial para mejorarse después de un virus.feminine noun. 1. (establishment) a. store. (United States) Hay una tienda de comestibles nueva a dos cuadras de mi casa.There is a new grocery store two blocks from my house. b. shop. La tienda de dulces estaba cerrada cuando llegamos.The sweet shop was closed when we arrived. 2. (camping gear) a. tent.Translate Google Translate Spanish to English. See authoritative translations of Google Translate Spanish to English in Spanish with example sentences and ...1. (lawn) a. el césped. (M) He fell asleep on the grass, next to his dog. Se quedó dormido en el césped, junto a su perro. b. el pasto. (M) (Latin America) It makes me angry when the neighbors' dog poos on my grass.Me enoja que el perro de los vecinos haga caca en mi pasto.6. (to halt) a. pararse. Suddenly, the runner stopped and fell.De repente, el corredor se paró y se desplomó. noun. 7. (act of stopping) a. el alto. (M) We'll make a stop along the way so that everyone can stretch their legs.Haremos un alto por el camino para que todos puedan estirar las piernas. b. la parada. Translate Translation english to spanish. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. a. el susto. (M) I got a terrible shock because they stabbed a man right in front of me. Me llevé un susto tremendo porque apuñalaron a un hombre justo delante de mí. b. la conmoción. (F) The man felt a great shock when he learned the name of his real father. El hombre sintió una gran conmoción cuando supo el nombre de su verdadero padre.Finding the right Spanish to English translator can be a daunting task. With so many options available, it can be difficult to determine which one is best for your needs. Machine t...2. (identical to another) a. the same person. No es el mismo desde que ganó la lotería.He's not the same person since he won the lottery. b. the same one. Nos encantó la obra, así que fuimos a ver la misma otra vez.We loved the play, so we went to watch the same one again. c. the same thing (with "lo")a. el contacto. (M) There was contact between the two cars when they went into the first corner.Hubo contacto entre los dos coches al tomar la primera curva. 2. (communication) a. el contacto. (M) He will be in contact with you through this phone number.Estará en contacto contigo a través de este número de teléfono. 3. (person)

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adverb. 1. (general) a. en lugar de eso. I asked you to help me, and you were watching TV all afternoon instead.Te pedí que me ayudaras y, en lugar de eso, te pasaste la tarde viendo la tele. b. en vez de eso. If we don't have enough money to buy a house, we could buy an apartment instead.Si no tenemos suficiente dinero …Turkey has become a powerhouse in the television industry, producing high-quality dramas that captivate audiences around the world. One of the reasons for their global success is t...To translate Spanish to English using Google, go to, and insert or write the Spanish phrases or sentences in the box labeled Translate. Choose from one of seve...lahr. ) transitive verb. 1. (to give as a gift) a. to give. ¿Qué me vas a regalar?What are you going to give me? 2. (to give for free) a. to give away. La fundación generosa les regaló libros a todos las escuelas del condado.The generous foundation gave away books to all of the county schools.When it comes to finding the right Spanish to English translators for your projects, it can be a daunting task. With so many options out there, it can be difficult to know which on...transitive verb. 1. (to transport) a. to take. Lleva los platos sucios a la cocina.Take the dirty plates to the kitchen. b. to carry. Mi marido llevará las bolsas de la compra.My husband will carry the grocery bags. c. to bring. Llevaremos nuestros propios patines a la fiesta.We'll bring our own skates to the party.The King James Bible, also known as the Authorized Version, is one of the most widely read and influential translations of the Bible. Published in 1611, it has had a significant im...1. (to grab) a. to take. Tomó el dinero y se lo metió en el bolsillo. He took the money and put it in his pocket. 2. (to consume) a. to take (medication) Él tiene que tomar sus medicamentos dos veces al día.He has to take his medication twice a day. b. to have. Tomé atún para el almuerzo.Translation to English is an essential skill for language professionals in today’s globalized world. Whether you are a translator, interpreter, or language enthusiast looking to im...Get conjugations, examples, and pronunciations for millions of words and phrases in Spanish and English. WRITTEN BY EXPERTS. Translate with Confidence. Access ...In today’s globalized world, effective communication across different languages is essential for businesses and individuals alike. When it comes to translating languages, one of th...feminine noun. 1. (establishment) a. store. (United States) Hay una tienda de comestibles nueva a dos cuadras de mi casa.There is a new grocery store two blocks from my house. b. shop. La tienda de dulces estaba cerrada cuando llegamos.The sweet shop was closed when we arrived. 2. (camping gear) a. tent.If you’ve ever faced the task of translating Spanish to English, you know that it can be a daunting process. While both languages share some similarities, there are also many diffe...a. el contacto. (M) There was contact between the two cars when they went into the first corner.Hubo contacto entre los dos coches al tomar la primera curva. 2. (communication) a. el contacto. (M) He will be in contact with you through this phone number.Estará en contacto contigo a través de este número de teléfono. 3. (person)MapQuest is available in Spanish. Some other languages that are available on MapQuest in addition to English and Spanish include German, Italian, Portuguese and French. MapQuest is...1. (lawn) a. el césped. (M) He fell asleep on the grass, next to his dog. Se quedó dormido en el césped, junto a su perro. b. el pasto. (M) (Latin America) It makes me angry when the neighbors' dog poos on my grass.Me enoja que el perro de los vecinos haga caca en mi pasto.1. (colloquial) (very good) a. estupendo. Great job, Rita! Your presentation was terrific. ¡Muy buen trabajo, Rita! Tu presentación estuvo estupenda. The audience gave the ballerina a standing ovation for her terrific performance.El público le dio una ovación en pie a la bailarina por su estupenda interpretación.The world's most popular Spanish translation website. Over 1 million words and phrases. Free. Easy. Accurate.5. (used in place of another verb) a. to do. Me mandó que lavara los platos pero ya lo había hecho.He told me to wash the dishes but I had already done it. 6. (to acquire) a. to make. Hizo una nueva amiga en el colegio.He made a new friend at school. 7. (to cause) a. to make. La hizo llorar..

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